Sunday, February 22, 2009


I was starting my run at LaFortune in the park part. As usual, when it's a beautiful day, alot of the mexicans are picnicking. These two little boys (4 or 5) were obviously twins. One of them was terribly pigeon-toed...the worst case I have ever seen. Both feet. He was racing on the path with his brother -well trying to - he could only run a few steps before he had to stop. He was so determined!! And grinning from ear to ear. The other brother naturally won. He would wait for lil guy to catch up, and then they would both grin and race again. After 4 times, the 'well' brother looked back, stretched out his hand, and the lil guy caught up, held his hand and they just walked together. It brought tears to my eyes. Kindness. It's still alive and well.
They reminded me so much of the two brothers in Slumdog. If that movie doesn't win, I'm moving out of the country.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Today Show and The Post Office

Meridith was getting a hockey lesson on the Today Show. The girl told her, "you gotta cup the puck" LMAO.

Post office workers are the butt of a lot of jokes. Well-deserved.
Yesterday I was doing a business mailing, so wanted to use my credit card. The worker shook her 6 shades of hair, and said, "we don't accept these without a signature."
Me, "Well I wrote See ID, and here's my driver's license. It's an identity theft issue."
Hair chick gives long-suffering sigh, "No. You should write your name on the back so we don't have to ask for your license."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What a waste

I don't like the word 'utilize.' It seems like such a waste. Just say the word 'use!' Life is busy enough w/o adding extra syllables for no good reason.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things I'm Proud Of

I have accomplished the following things in the past 2 days. Which is most important?

1. I correctly assembled my scanner/copier/fax thingy
2. I hooked up my wireless scanner/copier/fax thingy
3. I am now on my new employer's server from home
4. My dog is fixed
5. I have learned that both kids need braces
6. I correctly opened the turkey lunch meat package

6. Duh.