Saturday, January 24, 2009

Photography 101

On the pic below, I had another version that didn't have the vine going through the center. I stuck with this one b/c it draws your attention to the man on the path. Comparing his size to the dawn breaking through the mountaintop? Wow.

Poinsettias were growing wild outside our tea village. A perfect start to December.

On the above and the one below, I was experimenting with lighting.

This probably has 100 technical things wrong. But it's a rockin' great pic of my kid :).

This was on our old property in Broken Arrow

On the pic below, I liked how the flowers were gorgeous but had some kind of disease. It was a great example of how we all beautiful, but flawed. So what do we focus on?

Friday, January 23, 2009

My last day of unemployment has been lucky!

This is my last, official 'school day' as an unemployed person. When I went to get the paper, I noticed it was warm outside...warm enough for a long run! Instantly I'm all proud of myself. But where is my Ipod? Luke sits in the back of my car for 20 minutes as I frantically search for it. I never misplace it! It is either in my ear, my ihome or my console. I can't run 5 whole miles without my IPOD!!! Then I decide to get tough. I can do this. I will be at one with my thoughts (yuck!). I do one more search - deep in the bowels of my console, I find $100 cash!!! It was in an old envelope where I had been saving for my trip to Disney in September! YAYYYYYYYYY! AND I found 6 tubes of Clinique lipstick. I was kind of wondering where those were. Now I have enough money to BUY a new IPOD AND pretty lips!
THEN, inspiration strikes. I was wearing my jean jacket yesterday, not my coat. I screech into park (sorry Luke), run into my house and LO AND BEHOLD - the Ipod is there in my jacket! What a great day.