Thursday, November 20, 2008

Check out the author of Outliers. I want his hair. It had a purple tinge on the Today show that, sadly, is not reflected here.

My dog is becoming increasingly more co-dependant everyday. He's good company. I kind of like it. He doesn't talk back.

If you are a CEO of the Big 3, and are going to Congress to plead for a bailout, you may not want to arrive on your private jet.

Ashley Dupree considers herself a Normal Girl. Here's to Normal Girls everywhere.

I will be the only non Tween at the premiere of Twilight. This does not bother me.

Ladies: make no mistake, geeks will rule the world someday. In your search for the Sugar Daddy, don't look at his car. Look at his pocket protector.

Why do they sell small bottles of wine? C'mon people. Really. Who are we kidding?

I am envisioning the assembly line for Wal-Mart shopping carts. I see the Quality Control Manager who never, ever does his job and sends the squeaky wheels back down the line. I see myself going postal on this manager.