Friday, January 23, 2009

My last day of unemployment has been lucky!

This is my last, official 'school day' as an unemployed person. When I went to get the paper, I noticed it was warm outside...warm enough for a long run! Instantly I'm all proud of myself. But where is my Ipod? Luke sits in the back of my car for 20 minutes as I frantically search for it. I never misplace it! It is either in my ear, my ihome or my console. I can't run 5 whole miles without my IPOD!!! Then I decide to get tough. I can do this. I will be at one with my thoughts (yuck!). I do one more search - deep in the bowels of my console, I find $100 cash!!! It was in an old envelope where I had been saving for my trip to Disney in September! YAYYYYYYYYY! AND I found 6 tubes of Clinique lipstick. I was kind of wondering where those were. Now I have enough money to BUY a new IPOD AND pretty lips!
THEN, inspiration strikes. I was wearing my jean jacket yesterday, not my coat. I screech into park (sorry Luke), run into my house and LO AND BEHOLD - the Ipod is there in my jacket! What a great day.

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